CoreSELFtech Discovery Process

The following step-by-step process was developed by my brilliant mentor Peter J Reding. All credit for the following work belongs to Peter. I’m supporting his mission to get this information into the hands of millions of people so we can live a life of quality and alignment.

For this exercise, please listen to the file in a place and during a time that you won’t be disturbed. You will want to download the companion worksheets below or use a notebook if you prefer.

As a sales professional, the following exercise is extremely useful in making valuable business decisions, maximizing productivity and achieving your self imposed goals. I’m bringing this process to my sales community because of its profound impact on my career and it’s pivotal role in advancing my income from $60,000 per year to $600,000.

Let’s get started. This will take approximately 40 min to complete. Allow yourself to pause the audio clip if you require more time throughout the session. 


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